Statement of Requirements for Fellowship in NAHR
NAHR Nominations
The purpose of the National Academy of Human Resources is to honor, through election as “Fellow of the NAHR,” those individuals who have distinguished themselves through their leadership in the broad field of Human Resources. Fellows come from many life experiences and reflect all aspects of contemporary and intellectual professional thought and activity in Human Resources. They are recognized by their peers for their sustained achievements in and their contributions to their organizations, the Human Resources profession, and society at large.
There is no other basis for election.
Election as a Fellow of the NAHR is the highest honor granted in the Human Resource profession. Fellows of the NAHR are widely known and recognized as leaders in the profession, have meritorious national or global reputations for shaping human resources thinking and/or policy, and have demonstrated an unfailing commitment to success for both themselves and others in the profession.
Candidates will have demonstrably contributed to and helped advance human resource management thinking and practice at the very highest level. They have had a significant and differentiated impact on the profession.
Membership in the Academy requires the following:
Overall Leadership and Impact: Measurable impact for unique and lasting outcomes and contributions at work, in the HR field and society at large, and notable leadership in moving the HR profession forward. Respected role model, leader, coach, and teacher to those they lead and influence, both directly and indirectly, with a focus on raising the capability and caliber of future HR executives, and therefore the profession.
Scope: Significant role, influence, and recognition within and potentially outside home country.
Competencies: Generalist practitioner or specialist competencies comparable to or exceeding those of current Fellows, with an emphasis on innovation and creativity.
External Influence and Impact: Evidence of leadership role in human resources-related groups/associations, social service, educational and/or civic organizations, and/or influence on the development of public policy both historically, currently, and in the future.
Knowledge Development / Scholarship: Demonstrated dedication to continuing personal education and credentialing and leadership in increasing the base of knowledge in the HR field through teaching, research, writing, public speaking, knowledge sharing, and/or ‘leading by example’.
Characteristics: Strong character, impeccable integrity, and respect for the individual, within and outside of profession.