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NAHR Patrons Program

    For the past 28 years the National Academy of Human Resources (NAHR) has worked towards attaining the mission of recognizing those who have significantly impacted the HR profession, as well as enhancing and advancing the HR profession.  To further our efforts, the Academy must remain financially strong.  The Patrons Program, along with the separately funded NAHR Annual Dinner, provides the NAHR with the necessary operational funds to continue our progress.  We are asking for your support of the NAHR through a contribution to the annual NAHR Patrons Program.

    Support for NAHR operations comes from two sources (sources of funds):

    NAHR Patrons Program ($5000, spring solicitation, most contributions are from our respective organizations, and that is what this note is about!)
    Annual Dinner (individual and table seat tickets and up to four Grand Sponsors)​
    NAHR operations’ expenses include the following (uses of funds):
    Annual Pre-Dinner Discussion and Annual Dinner
    Board of Directors’ meetings
    Insurance (liability, workers’ compensation)
    Office operating expenses (including but not limited to fees for accountant, lawyer, website support, banking services, supplies, equipment and software, travel, etc.)

    Support for the Foundation and its many programs comes from four sources (sources of funds):

    Foundation Year-End Solicitation:  Contributions from Fellows (primarily includes contributions from individual Fellows and sometimes from their respective organizations; solicited in the fall)​CHRO Academy tuition​
    CHRO book royalties
    Dividends / interest / gains on holdings

    Foundation programs include the following (uses of funds):

    CHRO Academy (ongoing)

    Masters’ Students Program (ongoing)​
    NAHR Scholarship (administered by SHRM) (ongoing)
    Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) Program​
    NAHR Start-up CHRO Academy​
    NAHR / Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) Research Horizon Forum:​
    NAHR Promotional Video
    Research initiatives

    Here are a few key giving stats: 

    Total number of active living Fellows:                                    158 Fellows
    Average participation rate over the past three years:           46%
    Range of donations (including Patrons Program):                 $200-$7,500
    Typical donation range of individual gifts:                             $1000-$3000
    Patron’s Program Donation                                                    $5,000

    Both the NAHR and the NAHR Foundation Boards have discussed the need to continue to increase both the participation rate and the average donation to continue to support our operations and the Foundation programs described above.  Your contributions will help position us to further expand our programs and remain a strong, self-sustaining organization. 

    On behalf of the Board, we want you to know that we appreciate your participation in NAHR events as well as your financial contributions. 

    Click here to become a Patron of the NAHR.